Dear Brain:

You’ll have to excuse me, I’ve never anthropomorphized one of my own internal organs before. But lately, I feel like I have some things I want to talk with to you about. You and I have never really gotten along before. I’ll just call a spade a spade Okay? For a long time, you’ve done a really crappy job of helping me control my body. You have, don’t deny it. Do you understand how hard it is to walk with bent knees? and I don’t like that you make certain body parts shake for no reason whatsoever, or, that you haven’t let me straiten my arms since I was three, I don’t think its funny that you won’t let my legs walk. Or that you sometimes make my wheelchair run into walls, or, you won’t let me speak coherently, and those two times you made me he have to wear a body cast for two months were entirely unpleasant.
Nevertheless, I am a big enough person to admit, that I, on occasion, have wronged you. It was wrong for me to stick the glue-stick up my nose when I was three. I admit that, the teacher stopped me, no harm, no foul.
I’ll get down to it Mr. Brain. You are a very creative organ, really, I’m proud of you. Ever since we agreed to try this Writing thing, you have given me at least five different ideas for projects. I’m grateful. But I do have one request, could you not send me ideas when I am busy working on another idea? It presents me with a loss of focus which, is distracting. We may be able to add to the literary landscape, but only, if we work on one thing at a time. Have we got a deal?

Thanks very much for your efforts on my behalf.


Erik Parkin

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