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Star Wars The Force Awakens

Star Wars is my favorite movie franchise. I loved the original trilogy. I even liked the prequels. Star Wars is one of the things that got me into Fantasy. So, as you can imagine, I loved this movie. It was familiar and new at the same time. The old character and the new characters meshed well. I felt it was symmetrical with what had come before. I am happy.

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A life lived without passion is a life unlived, that sounds like a quote. I don’t remember if anyone actually said it, but that doesn’t make its message any less true. Passion makes life worth it, it gives us a reason to get up in the morning and opens us to the joys of Life. Its the that powers the engine of human endeavor. That’s why I’m writing, its a passion project. But, I have always believed that one of the most important skills one can cultivate within oneself is the ability to maintain perspective. The fires of passion must continually be stoked to warm the coils of joy in our hearts. Even though fire can warm, it can just as easily burn. Passion must be controlled, life must be balanced and controlled. If not passion will burn you. But if you control your passion it will warm you your whole life.